Being online made the beginning of this project feel fairly abstract. It didn’t hit me until about Wednesday that I was working as a journalist and that my piece would be published by NPR. I thought about going back in time to my middle school self, who listened religiously, to tell her that she had a piece airing on the radio. I’m so thankful for this opportunity to learn and grow. Carrie truly held my hand as I learned the new software and edited my story and for that I am very thankful. The organization of the Miro board is something I’m going to try to recreate for future projects. And I don’t think I will ever have a ‘throwaway’ document title again. While I regret not being in person with the team, I am thankful that the online option was available so I could still participate. The spirit and camaraderie of the group bled through each and every morning and EOD meeting. I feel so happy to now be part of such a close knit community. After having listened to my interview at least 20 times, I am excited to hear someone else’s piece. I cannot wait to see the work my fellow mentees have been creating this past week. Being able to interview dg okpik for my story was amazing and it furthered my desire to be a storyteller. It is my hope that I can take the lessons learned from this week and apply them to my routine and habits in order to become a better writer, editor, and journalist. I am so thankful for this week and I’m excited to carry it forward.